Clinical Psychologist
In The Press

Publications and Contributions
Gottlieb, C. (2013). Come Together: The Blending of CBT, DBT, and Interpersonal Psychotherapy in the Treatment of Eating Disorders. In J. Petrucelli (Ed.), Body-States: Interpersonal/Relational Perspectives on the Treatment of Eating Disorders. New York/London: Routledge.
Blogs and Articles
Mindfulness Exercises to Help You Deal With the Stress of Infertility May 2018, Pregnantish
Eating Disorders and Romantic Relationships: How to help when Your Partner is Struggling with an Eating Disorder, February 2016, Psychology Today
Disordered Eating or Eating Disorder: What is the Difference, , February 2014, Psychology Toda
Shape Magazine: October 2018, October 2017
Newsweek: December 2017
Bravo Personal Space: July, 2018, June 2018
If you are interested in speaking with me about collaborating on a publication or other project, please reach out.